Group Discussion:
- methodology used to gauge whether a candidate has certain personality traits.
- communicative situation that allows its participants to share their view and opinions with other participants.
- systematic and purposeful interactive oral process.
(based on teamwork incorporating view of different team members to reach a common goal)

Elements of an Effective Group Discussion:
- All members of the group have a chance to speak, expressing their own ideas and feelings freely, and to pursue and finish out their thoughts.
- All members of the group can hear others' ideas and feelings stated openly.
- Group members can safely test out ideas that are not yet fully formed.
- Group members can receive and respond with respect but honest and constructive feedback.
- Discussion is not dominated by any one person.
- Even in disagreement, there's an understanding that the group is working together to come to a conclusion.

Group Dynamics:
- Take turns--do not dominate, but allow other members the chance to speak.
- Be aware of points provided by other candidates.
- Best to compare ideas.
- Help other members if they are unable to proceed with their points by using language signals.
- If the member cannot respond in time, do pass the question to another person.
- Use comparative words.
- Quote other candidates.
- If the topic goes off tangent, a member of the group needs to bring the discussion back to topic.

Body language:
- Sit upright
- Smile and be cheerful
- Use appropriate, natural hand gestures
- Do not look nervous or sad
- Avoid fidgeting, folding arms or shaking legs
- Avoid fiddling with your pen
"Shooting stars are really just angels throwing away their cigarettes before God catches them smokin'."

Keep doing whatever it is that you've been doing up till now. I'll support you every step of the way!!